Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We do a lot here on this island and sometimes it's just easier to give you a random look into our lives here! So this is a little pictorial story of what we have been doing on the island lately!

Auntie Annie's Birthday!!

Happy Birthday!! Auntie Annies celebrated her birthday at the end of October and Uncle Dax through her a great BBQ with all the fixins'! There was food, friends, decorations, presents, and tons of fun! Annie is a hard one to get photos of so here is what I could come up with!!

The Pumpkin Patch!

So the recipe for fall usually calls for a brisk, cool wind, changing leaves, and a family trip to the local pumpkin patch, right? Well we had to improvise and work with what the good Lord gave us! Trade winds, 83 degrees and no daddy...that was our annual trip to the pumpkin patch! It was very different than "fall" back in the mainland but still tons of fun and lots of memories made. Daddy was gone on business to the Philippines and Okinawa, so we tagged along with some friends and made some memories!

Happy Halloween!

Yay! Parker wore his costume this year!! I am sure we all remember the costume debacle of 2010, when Parker wore his skeleton pajama's instead of his adorable monkey costume! But this year, he wore his "big t-rex" costume and loved every minute of it. Here are just a few pictures of his big night! He went to tons of houses and got tons of candy! He had lots of fun trick or treating with his friends!
Chapin, Jayden, and Parker!
Chapin and Parker headin' to another house!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kristine's visit and the Hawaii Discovery Museum!

Yay another visitor to The Nelson household! Kristine came to visit us!!! We had tons of fun, but we both realized that we didn't take too many pictures! However, we made amazing memories!
Kristine and Parker at the luau!
Kristine and I were able to slip away and have a girls night which was so much fun! We went to dinner on the beach and relaxed, but before we left we had to get a picture that Parker though he had to be a part of!
The Hawaii Discovery Museum!
First and foremost, it should be noted that since the pictures were taken a week ago, Parker has gotten a haircut!! Ok, also I must say that the initial picture on this page is from when we were at the museum exploring Korea!
Moving on...We went to this awesome place called the Hawaii Discovery Museum with our great friends Kristen, Carter, and Cooper and we all had a blast! It is a museum filled with things that the kids can climb on, touch, explore, etc. It was very cool!Cooper worked on a car...
Parker drove the school bus...
Brushed the teeth of the giant mouth...
Carter and Parker jumped across the babbling stream...
Parker dressed as an octopus...
All in all a great day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dinner, Part 2!

So since dinner didn't go so well the first time, we decided to try again! This time there was no milk in sight and the kids had a great time eating together! These are Parker's very, very good friends Cooper (beside Parker) and Carter (across from Parker), these guys play together nearly every night!


Yes, it happened, Parker's dairy allergy reared its ugly head again. It has been over a year since Ms. Amy had to administer the Epi Pen to Parker back in Virginia, but just a few days ago, Mommy had to do it again, right in the middle of the road outside of our house! Parker was having dinner with his friends and picked up the wrong cup and took a sip of milk. I grabbed him right when I saw it and washed out his mouth and scrubbed his lips but it was too late! The fire truck came and then the ambulance. Parker again was a trooper and made the best of a bleak situation. He never ceases to amaze me!
In the ambulance, on the way to the ER, lights and sirens blaring!
At the hospital

Parker's Favorite Day!

Parker, Daddy, and Mommy go back in time, to a time when dinosaurs ruled the land!!! So this was by far one of Parker's most favorite days of all time! We went to the Bishop Museum to see this awesome exhibit last weekend. Parker and Daddy had a blast and Parker told everyone the names of the dino's he knew!

And of course he had to wear his dinosaur t-shirt!

Family Day!

CLB-3, the unit Jeremy is with here in Hawaii, held their annual Family Day this past week! It was so much fun! There were water slides, bounce houses, the beach, food, a creepy clown, and games for the whole family here are a few of the pictures from that day!
He was the youngest one to climb this wall and slide down the slide!!

Then he decided to climb a tree!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School!!

That's right, you read it correctly, Parker is going to preschool! He goes twice a week for a half a day and he LOVES it! Here are a few pics from his first day, and yes, I did cry when I got him dressed, drove across the island to his school and when he kissed me goodbye! My little man is getting so big!
Packing up his backpack!
He's ready...
And we are off, dinosaurs in hand!!